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PAX Good Behavior Game VS Others

After the development of the original Good Behavior Game in the 1960s, several variations of the intervention have come and gone with varying results. There are many reasons why the PAX Good Behavior Game consistently produces the most remarkable research-based and independently verified outcomes in numerous and varied environments across the world including inner-city and impoverished areas in the United States, rural and remote areas of Canada, as well as varied regions of Estonia, Sweden, and Ireland.

The PAX Good Behavior Game is the only version of GBG that, in addition to the Good Behavior Game, empowers teachers and students in co-creating a nurturing environment through the use of Evidence-based Kernels. These research-based behavioral health strategies ensure a nurturing, trauma-informed environment in every school and classroom by promoting positive behavior, reducing problematic behavior, and preventing re-traumatization. These Kernels are consistent with every school’s PBIS and MTSS framework and work to provide the building blocks of self and co-regulation that is refined once teachers and students have the skills to begin playing the PAX Game.

With the PAX Good Behavior Game, children need not be “bad” in order for schools and communities to see results. Implementing the Kernels and the PAX Game ensures that children of every age, gender, culture, socioeconomic, and academic status see improvement in behavioral, academic, and lifetime outcomes as the many independently verified studies in top peer-reviewed journals indicate. These Kernels complete this by providing culturally competent strategies that not only embed into the values and practices of the community, but also by re-calibrating for the proficiency and needs of the classroom.

The PAX Good Behavior Game is the single most effective classroom-based preventive intervention because it also provides for and empowers teachers and students to execute the most essential aspect of behavior change: observation. By implementing the PAX Good Behavior Game, teachers and students become everyday scientists and learn to observe, analyze, and adjust strategies, choices, and behavior based on results. While other programs rely on strict “one-size-fits-all” scripts, the PAX Good Behavior Game recognizes the diversity and varying skill-sets in our children and ensures teachers and students develop skills for a lifetime of success. This is why the PAX Good Behavior Game produces consistent life-changing outcomes all over the world.

Remember, PAXIS Institute encourages and pleads for the publication of all studies involving the PAX Good Behavior Game – regardless of outcome. These studies continue to add to the breadth of understanding that have built and will continue to build and perfect the intervention as it brings Peace, Productivity, Health, and Happiness to people all over the world.

Longitudinal data from Johns Hopkins studies

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