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PAX Good Behavior Game is...



The PAX Good Behavior Game builds self-regulation in young people by creating shared relational frames with adults and peers. By reinforcing desirable behaviors and inhibiting unwanted behaviors, children develop agency and command to delay gratification and reduce impulsivity. This increase in pro-social behavior and self-regulation paves the way for remarkably better academic, behavioral, and lifetime outcomes. PAX also develops and strengthens peer networks to improve relationships now and in the future.

Trauma-informed Care

The PAX Good Behavior Game adheres to SAMHSA’s six key principles of a trauma-informed approach and model for a trauma-informed classroom. PAX creates a nurturing environment in every school and classroom –allowing young people to develop pro-social behaviors in a safe setting far from the predatory environments that encourage anti-social behavior. PAX provides teachers with research-based strategies shown to support development and prevent the re-traumatization of children who have been exposed to trauma. These strategies allow students to co-create consistent expectations and summon peer support in creating a nurturing classroom environment.


PBIS and Tiered-Intervention

The PAX Good Behavior Game provides teachers and administrators with practical tiered-intervention strategies to implement PBIS in the classroom. These strategies work together to reinforce expected, pro-social behaviors while inhibiting problematic behaviors. PAX ensures evidence-based strategies and expectations for every student and uses data-driven decision-making to provide multiple levels of support for students with more intense needs. PAX creates for a unified, multi-tier approach that establishes consistent expectations throughout the school.


Social and Emotional Learning

The PAX Good Behavior Game promotes social and emotional learning in all students. By engaging students in co-creating expectations and developing shared relational frames, children can begin to recognize their own thoughts and feelings as well as regulate their own emotions and behaviors. PAX also improves awareness for the needs of others and helps to improve peer support by developing and maintaining positive relationships with others. All this helps children to regulate their own behavior and choices in order to live peaceful, productive, healthy, and happy lives.

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